Saturday, April 23, 2016


My day started with some one asking "Madam,here even MLA and other people are taking money from us-handloom workers" to a compère on a random regional channel.Reaction from the compère was worst and spoiled my day.She condescendingly said as "he called as if giving complaints like no power or no water to EC board or Public works department".Just because its comedy channel it does not meant you can make a fun of your callers.Without them there is no business for you as well as your channel.

That compère could have handled this situation better by saying she understands his problem and could have false promised as she could do something about it.Nobody in her channel will sue her for that.Caller talked about it because he wants to inform this to some people who has high power to act on it so he chose media to disclose.He is not some insane to call you for some song or comedy scene.

Friday, April 22, 2016


If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,  
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’ 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Unending Love

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times…
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, its age-old pain,

Its ancient tale of being apart or together.

As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,

Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time:
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.

At the heart of time, love of one for another.

We have played along side millions of lovers, shared in the same

Shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell-
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you

The love of all man’s days both past and forever:

Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life.

The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours –
And the songs of every poet past and forever.

-Rabindranath Tagore

I fell in love with Tagore while reading this poem at first read and every time i read it leaves an impression that only very few can be a poet.It's a innate skill to play with words to evoke a sense of feeling to readers.

Poems from Poignant painter

As i was reading posts in Quora,i stumbled upon this beautiful blog where many different poems written by young aspiring poets.

Though i love reading poems i never attempted to write one.

Here are few of the poems i have taken from Poignant Painter 

Depression is Awesome

When you fall, don't cry
When you fail, don't cry
Neither cry when you're hurt
Or broken. You shouldn't cry

Freeze your tears
Hold on them till you can
And when you can't hold further
Melt them on a piece of paper.

Let the tears become the words
That guide you forever.
Let the tears come.. 
for some good cause.

Don't waste them on unworthy
Stuffs or incidents..
Some memories are just not worth
Your tears...your priceless tears !

There is no greatness in not falling
Rise after every fall
Your legs will shake, 
Your hands will tremble
Your heart will beat
Sometimes too fast and
Sometimes too slow.

Bear with all these,
as it is part of the game.
 You're not defeated,
You just lost. That's it.
You're not alone crossing that bridge
See those who're trying to cross the same

You're never alone.
God is with you.
Your fellow travellers
Would teach you how to cross the bridge.

Still, you're not a victim.
Don't give the control of your life
To someone or something.
Get up and fight your battle.

You're strong. Trust me dear.
Depression is a beautiful place to
Visit but a horrible place to stay
Just keep in mind.

Depression is awesome,
That's how our mind respond
When you neglect it.
It's also like us- Reactive.

Be a good master
And pamper your mind
You're not a patient who
Need a doctor. Rather
You're the doctor that your
Mind needs. It loves you and 
Hates when you ignore it.

It's all in mind.
Whether sadness or happiness
Whether depression or hypertension
They are not dangerous
It's perfectly normal to visit them.

They teach us many lessons
Always put your mask before you

Are out helping others.
Love yourself without getting self-obsessed

You're on a beautiful journey
It's a game of snake and ladder
Depression is the snake and
Self Realization and Introspection
Are the ladders that would help you bounce back

It's just a me.
You're on a beautiful ship that
Hit an Iceberg. Or Rather
Found an Iceberg. It's all about how you 
Perceive things. 
Captain, things will be under control soon
The rough weather, the storm and the clouds 

Can't hide your ship from exploring the horizon.
You're a fighter who never backs down.
You're a leader who has to be reminded
Of his Powers, his greatness.
You just need a hand...a spark

Another sweet small poem by Anjali Kriplani

I have learned to express emotion,
It is touching my nerves in motion.
Sometimes solutions come unbidden,
Sometimes solutions get forbidden.
More I learn, more I portray,
More I understand, more I spray.
I want to be a inspiration,
So, it will become a sensation.
I wish path will get clear,
So, there is nothing to fear.
One more sunshine and Ray,
So, that I can find a way.

Coral reefs and Climate Change

Corals are solid rock like structure but it is actually an animal.Corals form a skeleton made up of calcium carbonate.Corals get their colors from zooxanthallae,a plant like cells.Zooxanthallae have symbiotic relationship with corals.

Zooxanthellae needs shelter so it sticks to corals and corals get food ,nutrients from zooxanthallae. Zooxanthellae lives on soft tissues of corals and uses sunlight to produce food by photosynthesis and create a by product food that corals can have as a food.It's called Symbiotic relationship.

How do corals get food

Corals get food in two ways.One is through Zooxanathallae.Other is during night,corals stretch out their tentacles to catch very small micro organisms.

Where do corals live

Most of the corals live in shallow warm waters that receive plenty of light.They live in waters close to the warmest temperatures they can tolerate.That's the reason why climate change affects many underwater species.

What lives on Coral reefs.

Turtles,algae,urchins etc make corals as a home as corals provide shelter and protection from many predators.

To escape from predators,many organisms live on the cracks and cervices of reef created by corals.

Many invertebrates and living organisms under water are in symbiotic relationship as one organism gets benefit from other just by staying together .And its a complex food web.

Many types of clams live long and grow big on corals.Clownfish and sea anemones are perfect pairs.

Sea anemones are immobile so they wait for the prey to swim by and using its poisonous tentacles it catches shrimps etc.As clownfish is immune to sea anemone's poisonous tentacles and live happily along with sea anemone as it does not eat sea anemone so clown fish pose no threat to it.Clownfish actually eats predators that live on sea anemone so these two live in a symbiotic relationship.


Clown fish on sea anemone
What are affecting corals

1. Coral Bleaching
Bleaching occurs as the conditions necessary to sustain the zooxanthellae on coral cannot be maintained.There are many factors trigger coral bleaching.One of the top most reason is increase or decrease in water temperature.

As water temperature increases,zooxanthellae leaves corals and hence corals looks like bleached.Eventually it dies as it starves from food.

Healthy corals

Bleached Corals

How can we humans help coral reefs

1.Reduce,Reuse and Recycle trash

2.Reduce the consumption of natural water so that more water remains in natural streams

     E.g: Stop the habit of leaving the tap open while brushing teeth,while applying face wash,using too much water for washing utensils

And we Indians are collectively doing something wrong,that is not taking up the lever back to the normal position even after enough water is flushed down in toilet.If we leave it down just like that thinking the lever will go up on its own then it will waste too much of water on already cleaned commode.

3.Prefer to go office by walk,cycle,carpool or public transportation.It reduces Greenhouse gas.

Check this post about Global warming.

For further reading,please do visit this site

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Raghuram Rajan

Raghuram Rajan-Governor of RBI.It would be face palm moment if somebody answers i don't know who is he.

I started having mixed feelings of crush,respect,proud etc on him.I started following a topic exclusively on him in Quora.

Just to motivate my inner self,am going to post few excerpts,anecdotes and some more.

Crush factors

1.His perpetual zeal to learn something new

During his initial days of joining RBI as Governor,apparently he used to reply in English for  questions asked by journalists in Hindi.And he promised that he would learn hindi soon.

Unlike others who could have gone giving interviews in English,he asked one of his officer to teach him Hindi atleast one hour every week.Today he gives interviews at length in Hindi, except economic jargons

2.He is a true Sports person

One of his IIM Classmate told Mr.Rajan's dad funnily that "One day Rajan will make a Guinness record for the thinnest book in earth titled "Games that i have not played"

3.When asked about his thoughts on Entrepreneurship, he said," I give advice only if I get paid for it".
But he did go on and added, "Don't stop, challenge yourself till you are young. If you master a skill, be interesting and move one to a new challenge."

You don't get a lunch for free, do you? 

So move out of your comfort zone and JUST DO IT!